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Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Music Magazine Front Cover Research 3

The magazine front cover presents itself as loud, quite chaotic and it does this delibriatly as the genre of the magazine is rock, and it attracts its self to its audience which would be teenages. It appeals to its audience as the cover is not tidy or neat, just like its genre. However the cover still remains organised as it is split into specific sections, which makes it efficient to its audience. 

The mast head of the magazine is still recognisable to its audience even though it is partially covered. The iconic "smashed" look to the title "KERRANG!" and the black and white font makes it easier for the audience to familiarise themselves with the magazine. It is also very clever as the audience still knows what the magazine even though the title is not very visual.

The main image is large and it allows itself to be the focal attention of the audience, and it entices the reader. The fact that it partially covers the title shows its importance. Also as it is central and covers nearly the whole page again it states its importance and its significance of the magazine. In the image the icons are wearing very "rock" related clothing and further attracting itself to its audience.

The sub heading relates to the main image. "Blink 182. Blast back!" uses white text on a contrasting red back ground to stand its self out from the other texts and to instanly catch the audiences eye to make them pick up and buy the magazine. The larger text "Blink 182" instanly allows the audience to know what the main feature is about without using to much detail.

Another audience attracting factor that this magazine front cover posseses is the posters. These are advertised on the bottom of the page. This is in a red box an looks again very chaotic. This is a very clever pursuading factor and makes the audience buy the magazine. This lets the magazine stand out from its rivals.

The magazine also advertises the other topics within the magazine this will entice the audience into reading this magazine. These are spread out in a "chaotic" fashion to entice the audience into reading on.

Like most magazines Kerrang contains typical conventions that most do. This includes a bar code at the bottom of the page telling the audience the price of the magazine and the date on which it was released.

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