The majority of the contents page is taken up by the main image. The is an attrictive trait to have to make itself more appealing to its audience.
For each of the articles within the magazine the contents page gives a brief description of what the article is about. This is very benificial to the audience as they can see what the article is about and what page number it is on making it very efficient.
The general layout of the contents page is far from chaotic, by it only using one large image it will instantly grasp the readers attention.There is also a small image placed neatly below.
The background looks crisp and fresh, this is because of the background being white. This works well as the large image generates enough colour, so that the background doesn’t have to. It allows the colours not to clash. This attracts the audience as it presents itself as professional.
The contents page uses the same house style as the front cover, this makes it easier for the reader to recognise it and creates fluency for the magazine.
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